Six Facts About Avocados


Six Facts About Avocados
Six Facts About Avocados
Avocados, otherwise known as alligator pear, because of their shape and color, contain an incredible amount of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
As well as being delicious to eat, avocados are used in many health and beauty products including hair conditioners, face creams, and bath oils, to name but a few.
You can’t ignore avocados, they taste great, they do you good and they can make you look gorgeous too.

Here are things you may not have known about avocados:

1. Anti-aging avocado

  • The benefits of avocado include anti-aging.
  • Avocado is an amazing treatment that helps reduce wrinkles.
  • Not only you can apply mashed avocado flesh to your skin as a facial mask, but also, when you eat avocado, it will help fight the aging process from within.
  • Everyone wants to keep their youthful good looks for as long, as possible, and eating avocados can help.
  • The antioxidants in the fruit will help to detoxify your body and help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, making your skin more supple and plump.

2. Drink avocado juice for healthy skin

  • For a healthy and glowing complexion, drink a cup of avocado juice a day and it will nourish and protect your skin from the inside out.

How to make avocado juice?

  • Mix one ripe avocado with a cup of milk in your blender, add some honey if you like it sweet, and enjoy a wonderfully refreshing drink full of healthy nutrients.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamins, as we’ve already mentioned before, which will help to re-invigorate dull and dry skin and make it look glowing with healthy!

3. Avocado revitalizes your scalp

  • The list of benefits of avocado for hair is quite long.
  • As well as being a superb way to treat dry hair, avocados can also be used to treat a dry and itchy scalp.

How to use avocado for hair?

  • Massage some mashed-up avocado into your scalp and amino acids and proteins will penetrate your scalp and help to heal, nourish and improve the overall condition of your scalp and hair.

4. Avocado is a wonderful frizzy hair treatment

  • The natural oils and nutrients of avocado make it a great treatment for damaged and frizzy hair.
  • Mash up half an avocado (or use your blender), add two tablespoons of avocado oil, and massage it into your hair and scalp.
  • Leave on for around fifteen minutes before shampooing and your unruly hair will be smooth and more controllable.
  • If you have coarse, frizzy hair, warm up a couple of drops of avocado oil between your hands and apply to the ends of your hair, it will not only help fight split ends and add shine but also will change your hair from frizzy to manageable.

5. Avocado dandruff treatment

  • The benefits of avocado for hair also include dandruff treatment.
  • The whole of the avocado fruit has its uses, even the seeds.
  • The seeds of the fruit can be made into a powder that has been used for many years in some countries, as a natural dandruff treatment.

6. Avocado hair mask for shiny hair

  • Mash one ripe avocado and mix it with one egg yolk, add one tablespoon of coconut oil, and massage the mixture into your hair and scalp, leave in for 15-20 minutes, then shampoo and condition.
  • This hair mask will soften brittle and dry hair, will add luster and shine.
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