The following are the 12 Diet Tips To Help You Lose Weight
- Do not skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. …
- Eat regular meals. …
- Eat plenty of fruit and veg. …
- Get more active. …
- Drink plenty of water. …
- Eat high-fibre foods. …
- Read food labels. …
- Use a smaller plate
When we see the word diet we often think of a time frame that is fixed with a start & end point.
This often means a period where there is some level of restriction or elimination.
Most people will lose weight following a “diet” as they simply create a calorie deficit through a series of these restrictions or eliminations.

So if it’s as simple as this, why do only 5% of diets have success after 3 years?
Often once the job is done, people will return back to what was their “normal” intake & behaviors with food only to see themselves regain all the lost weight.
80% of people who diet will regain the weight they lost within a year.
And the kicker?
Between 33%-66% will regain even more weight than they lost.
This is when we recognize that the biggest problem
If you can’t see yourself sticking to a diet a year from now
It’s time to re-think your approach
You HAVE to find a sustainable way to enjoy the food you consume
because if you don’t you may lose weight…
but you will eventually gain it back.
Here’s what you need to focus on…
– Hit your goals within a system that can be replicated over time
– Use tools like MyFitnessPal is a great app to track meals and monitor your intake to understand what you consume.
You can track:
• Calories
• Protein
• Carbs
• Fats
You can also track your weight daily to see how you are progressing.
- If you don’t like to cook, you can select 2-3 restaurants and plan your meals
- This takes the guesswork out of it and keeps you on track for your goals
- The beauty of it is if you commit to tracking for 30 days, it becomes natural
There are a lot of different reasons why diets fail which vary from person to person. Below are common reasons where you could be going wrong.
Understanding Dieting Basics and Facts -REASONS WHY YOUR DIET IS FAILING
- Does this diet fit my lifestyle?
- Do I like the majority of these foods?
- Do the foods easily fit my social circles?
- Does this diet allow me some flexibility?
- Can I see myself sticking to this for longer than 1 week?
For each meal/snack you can aim for the following:
- 1 serving of protein = 2 palms
- 1 serving of carbs = 2 cupped hands
- 1 serving of fat = 2 thumbs
- 3-4 meals/snacks per day.
- 1 serving of protein = 1 palm
- 1 serving of carbs = 1 cupped hand
- 1 serving of fat = 1 thumb
- 2-3 meals/snacks per day.
Some of the only times you want to be completely avoiding certain foods is when:
- You have an allergy.
- You have an intolerance.
- You dislike them.
- They are a ‘trigger food’ (foods you massively overeat).
- You have been advised too by a professional.
Below are a number of different ways you can do a food diary:
- Taking pictures on your phone.
- Notes app on your phone.
- Using certain apps like my fitness pal.
- Writing it down on paper.
Main takeaways from this article and things to focus on to help you with your diet issues:
- Tailor the diet towards you and your body, lifestyle, social circles, and likes / dislikes.
- Learn and understand portion control (use hand portions).
- Avoid overcomplicating your diet and keep things simple.
- Avoid banning, demonizing, or restricting food (unless you have been advised to by a professional).
- Keep a weekly food diary to help create more awareness.